Friday, 2 March 2012

Recording: Day 2

Today was also really successful but also really fun as we were both more relaxed and confident after recording had gone so well yesterday. We decided to record a cover of a song we both really loved and had influenced our previous improvisations. Here's a link to the song - The Cinematic Orchestra - To build a home (Youtube)

I moved the room mic as I had planned to yesterday, but in this process, we also decided to change the position of the piano and have it facing the wall but with a lot of space for the sound to develop but close enough to the wall that there were not too many reflections. I listened to how the piano sounded with the top opened, and there were far too many squeaks and clicks from the mechanisms inside the piano, as the mic was very sensitive, even after I tried taking out some of the high end, so we kept the top on and it sounded great!

You can see the overhead mic here, plus the back of Mike's head and some studio junk!

After I got the piano take I was happiest with, we recorded the vocals using the 414 and a pop shield with Mike facing the wall, singing in a special area of the room that had been deadened for vocal recordings.

Today was a great day for footage for the music video too - watch this space!

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